This application aims at providing event organisers a means at collecting guests data. This is done in the "Event" tab. The data is collected by filling in the text fields for the guests last name, the guests name, the guests email, the guests phone number and the guests zip code. This data is organised in an alphabetical order and is editable. There are also two 2 tabs in order to provide a timing and a map preview of the event. This is especially useful for the data collecting personnel in order to provide guests with the useful information with regards to the event. These 2 previews are set up in the "Set Up" tab. The collected data can be sent via mail in a csv file or in a pdf. The csv file can be dropped in numbers/excel and it will be presented in a columned sheet. In the "Set Up" tab you can choose what you would like to use as a map or timing of the event, these are pictures taken from the image picker. These can be cropped and then reselected. You can also choose an image to be used as a logo, this will be presented in the pdf file as a header for the layout.